The internet surely made it possible for small, medium and large-scale enterprises to conduct business transactions on a global scale. But at the same time, the internet also levelled up the competition among businesses. Hence, brands planning to remain relevant and sustainable would need to adopt all kinds of tools which include globalization, transcreation, translation and localization.
The above scenario applies to all sectors of the global economy and that includes the software development sector.
Software development studios tend to avail software localization services offered by reputed language service providers. A typical software localization project consists of modifying graphical user interfaces of software in a bid to make the same culturally, legally and linguistically relevant to the locations where the software will be deployed.
How does software localization boost profits for a business?
Software localization service allows a software development studio to show that it respects its client bases by ensuring that its software products can retain the attention of its users. Furthermore, with the help of software localization services, businesses can become ‘trustworthy’ in the eyes of their stakeholders thus boosting profit margins for the software development studio in question.
Can localized software also boost awareness of a brand among its targeted audience segments?
With the help of the best software localization services brands can increase the awareness of their software products and services among their local, national and international targeted market segments. Localized software readily promotes itself without the aid of expensive advertising and promotional campaigns. In simple words, localized software products appear more attractive to potential investors as well as customer bases.
Can localized software enhance the SEO rank of a business?
Yes, it is true that localized software also helps to enhance the SEO rank of a software development studio in its local, national and international market segments.
As per the professional opinion of experts associated with revered software translation and localization agencies, web crawlers tend to index details about localized software elements such as the ones that are readily visible to a software development studio’s user base.
The outcome is that leading Search Engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc. would readily show details about the software development studio in question such as its official website, and official e-store as well as rich snippets of best-selling software products in the form of screen grabs, etc. in the first five results of the first Search Engine Results Page.
Is it true that software localization is the best way to remain competitive?
Software development studios need to turn to software localization if they want to remain competitive. Studying competitors and their products is part and parcel of running a business. Hence, if a software development studio learns that most of their small, medium and large-scale competitors are yet to localize their software then missing the chance of localizing all outgoing and ongoing development projects would be a costly mistake for the owner of the software development studio in question. Software localization allows a development studio to attain a competitive advantage by ensuring their products stand out from the competition by grabbing the target market segment’s attention thus increasing the market share of a product in the process!
How cool is that!?
Contact BeyondWordz for quality-assured software localization services
BeyondWordz has been localizing software for its Indian and foreign clients for more than 30 years. The best part is that the language service provider can localize software in more than 100 languages. On top of this, the UI content will be translated by linguists who are directly or indirectly associated with the software development sector. Furthermore, BeyondWordz can also help small and large development studios by offering quality-assured software design, engineering, and QA testing services as well. Contact the LSP today for more details.